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We’re Committed to Premium Dental Care

Riverdale Comprehensive Dentistry was founded on the principle that dental patients should experience premium customer service while under their dentist’s care. Each of our professionals is dedicated to providing a caring and compassionate environment for our patients. We also stay current on the latest technologies in the dental field, allowing us to consistently provide stellar treatment. Because so many patients dread visiting the dentist, we aim to perform each of our dental services in as gentle a manner as possible. We use reassuring tones and clearly explain what we are doing, so you don’t feel uneasy. Our commitment to your comfort level is what makes us unique.

Meet Our Talented and Caring Team

Our dental team has years of experience providing the kind of care we’re famous for in The Bronx. When you visit us, you’ll be greeted by the warm and friendly personalities of:

Dr. Shahla S. Asadi, DDS

Dr. Asadi received her Doctoral in Dental Surgery (DDS) from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, graduating at the top of her class. She then relocated to NYC, where she received advanced training. She spent that time furthering her education in cosmetic, implant, and prosthetic dentistry. Dr. Asadi is a mother of two children and understands the special care that must be placed on treating little ones. That’s why Riverdale Comprehensive Dentistry is so effective at treating children. Our pediatric program will set your little one’s mind at ease and put them on the road to optimal oral health. Dr. Asadi enjoys doing dentistry and spreading smiles. She takes pride in providing very high quality dentistry using her skills and top notch digital dentistry technology. In her spare time, Dr. Asadi enjoys spending time with her family, reading books, biking, hiking, playing Cello, learning new languages and traveling.

Dr. Rajabi, Endodontist

Dr. Pardis Rajabi, Endodontist

Doctor Rajabi graduated from UCLA School of Dentistry with honors in endodontics. She then moved to New York City to complete general practice residency at Columbia University/ Presbyterian Hospital where she had the opportunity to take care of extensive facial trauma cases and orofacial infections during the night on-call shifts. Dr. Rajabi then completed her endodontic residency at NYU College of Dentistry where she is currently teaching endodontics to postgraduate residents and undergraduate dental students. Dr. Rajabi is an active member of American Association of Endodontics, American Dental Association and New York State Dental Association. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and exploring the museums with her husband. In fact, she is a member of Metropolitan Museum of Art. Dr. Rajabi is very passionate about her work and believes every single patient must receive the best possible treatment.

Dr. Klein , Periodontist

Dr. Shari Klein, Periodontist

Dr. Klein is an expert periodontist whose scope of practice includes placement of dental implants, periodontal surgery, gum grafting, and cosmetic periodontal surgery. She completed her undergraduate work at Barnard College. and then earned her DMD degree at Fairleigh Dickenson Dental School. Dr. Klein went on to receive her specialty degree in Periodontology at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine. She has spent over twenty-five years as an Associate Clinical Professor in the department of periodontology at Columbia University School of Dental Medicine. She is a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the American Academy of Periodontology. Her mission is to perform the highest quality of patient care in a kind and compassionate manner.

Alexandra Sher DDS

Dr. Alex Sher grew up on Long Island, NY and attended Queens College, graduating magna cum laude with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Chemistry. She then attended NYU College of Dentistry, and went on to complete her general practice residency at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University in Rhode Island. During her residency, Dr. Sher became proficient in all aspects of general dentistry, with a focus on treating patients with special needs.

As an active member of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists, Dr. Sher is committed to staying up to date with the latest advances in dental technology. She is a certified in invisalign provider, and is also certified in oral implantology, through the New York Implant Institute. She is passionate about delivering quality care while ensuring the comfort of her patients. Dr. Sher currently resides in Riverdale, New York and is thrilled to be a dentist in her own community. Outside of the office, Dr. Sher enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, running, and spending time with her husband and three children, who attend local schools in Riverdale and love the Bronx Zoo.

Dr. Khaledi, Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Zari Khaledi, Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Khaledi is a Pediatric Dentist with years of experience providing gentle care in operative, pediatric oral surgery, pediatric ortho, space maintenance, and emergency modalities using multiple behavior management techniques.

She graduated from U.C.S.D with a degree in Biochemistry and then continued her dental education at Tufts University, and then further specialized in Pediatric Dentistry at Boston University.

Since then, she has been practicing as a private practitioner and strongly believes in preventive dentistry and oral hygiene.

Dr.Khaledi has done a number of seminars for different schools, as well as one-on-one personalized training with parents and children on the importance of oral hygiene care and prevention.

She is a highly-motivated and detail-oriented doctor who is passionate about pediatric dentistry and the well-being of her patients. Dr. Khaledi strongly believes in continuing education and keeping up with new and updated skills in pediatric dentistry. She participates in different aspects of C.E. for various topics with respect to dentistry and oral health.

Dr. Khaledi uses her extensive experience to provide the highest level of dental care in a gentle, compassionate manner

Dr. Khaledi has a strong passion for community outreach and has volunteered locally and abroad in dental outreach programs. Her goal is to provide high-quality dental care for children in a compassionate manner. In her spare time, Dr. Khaled enjoys exercising, reading, watching movies, trying new restaurants, and painting.

Dr. Moones, Pediatric Dentist

Journey with us through the tale of Dr. Moones, a dentist who obtained her doctorate in Oral Pathology years ago in the Middle East, which offers her a unique perspective in the world of pediatric dentistry. Her passion in dentistry later on led her to Temple dental school in Philadelphia where she obtained her DMD degree.

After graduating from the Temple dental School, Dr. Moones joined the Bronxcare Hospital for General Practice Residency in dentistry, gleaning valuable insights from a diverse patient population. She further refined her skills at Montefiore Hospital Center in the Bronx as a fellow of Pediatric dentistry and a year later culminated her academic journey with a specialty certificate from Saint Joseph’s University Medical Center in New Jersey.

Dr. Moones’s academic achievements in pediatric dentistry and deep understanding of oral pathology help her in both comforting children during routine dental care and easing the diagnosis for children who present with unique oral diseases. Her goal is to ensure your child’s dental experience is nothing short of magical.

Outside her professional world, Dr. Moones loves exploring new restaurants, especially Italian and Persian ones. She also enjoys immersing herself in classical music concerts or creating travel memories with her family.

Warm, skilled and dedicated, Dr. Moones focuses on preventive and restorative dental care for the little ones.

We Offer Comprehensive Dental Services to The Bronx

Riverdale Comprehensive Dentistry strives to provide a full spectrum of dental services to patients throughout The Bronx. We offer Invisalign® to straighten patients’ teeth and teeth whitening to brighten their smile. Customers facing tooth decay can rely on us for dental implants and tooth-saving root canals. From veneers to inlays and onlays, our cosmetic dentistry procedures are second-to-none. Learn more about what puts the “Comprehensive” in Riverdale Comprehensive Dentistry by calling us today.

Beautiful Smiles Begin Here!